YEGO Mobility (Android) by yugo-mobility software


Looking for the English software to “YEGO Mobility (Android)” by yugo-mobility from the album Travel and Transportation (Downloads 12,887)? More than 4 people have already found information of the software “YEGO Mobility (Android)”.

YEGO Mobility for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes
YEGO Mobility

Quote from the software “YEGO Mobility (Android)” by yugo-mobility

YEGO Mobility is a platform that lets you rent electric vehicles (scooters, motorcycles and bicycles) that you can use to easily and safely drive around the city. With this app, you just have to find an available vehicle, walk over to it, and unlock it using your Android device.

If you want to download “YEGO Mobility (Android)” the software will be below

YEGO Mobility (Android) software [yugo-mobility]

yugo-mobility: YEGO Mobility (Android) software

More information “YEGO Mobility (Android)”

    Package Name License Free Op. System Android Category Travel and Transportation Language English 47 more Author YUGO Urban Mobility SL Downloads 12,887 Date Feb 2, 2023 Content Rating +3 Why is this app published on Habererciyes? (More information)
  • Release Date: Feb 2, 2023

YEGO Mobility (Android) software credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: YEGO Mobility (Android) software

YEGO Mobility (Android) of the yugo-mobility Released in Downloads 12,887

[Software “YEGO Mobility (Android)” with perfect software]

YEGO Mobility is a platform that lets you rent electric vehicles (scooters, motorcycles and bicycles) that you can use to easily and safely drive around the city. With this app, you just have to find an available vehicle, walk over to it, and unlock it using your Android device.

The way YEGO Mobility works is similar to other services like Muving and eCooltra. You just have to grant the app permission to use your location so it can find your position on the map. After that, you'll be all set to start looking for all the available vehicles throughout the city. Once you find a vehicle that you want to use, you just have to go over to it to scan the code to turn it on.

With YEGO Mobility, there's a helmet included on each one of the vehicles and you're charged a set price per minute. The longer the trip, the more you'll pay for it. In any case, the app will let you know how much money you're being charged as you go.

YEGO Mobility is an excellent option for getting around the city without having to use a car or other, less environmentally-friendly vehicles. Plus, you have multiple parking spots where you can leave your vehicle after each use.

Download YEGO Mobility for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes